HelpBreeze Demo - Readme File This help file includes complete information about HelpBreeze and demonstrates the slide show and animation capability which is included with the product. The following files are included: HBZDEMO.HLP DEMRES.DLL SLDSHW.DLL README.TXT To install: ----------- Move all files to the SAME directory. To view the help file from File Manager: ---------------------------------------- Double Click "HBZDEMO.HLP" in the file list. If you get a "No association for this file" message you will need to set up an association between .HLP files and WINHELP.EXE by using the Associate command under the File menu. To set up an icon in Program Manager: ------------------------------------- 1. From Program Manager's File menu choose New. 2. Select "Program Item" 3. Enter the following Information in the Program Item Properties dialog: Description: HelpBreeze Demo Command Line: WINHELP.EXE \HBZDEMO.HLP Working Directory: Replace in the above lines with the actual directory path. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to set the Working Directory, or you will get a "DLL not found" error. Distribution ------------ The entire contents of these files, with the exception of certain bitmap images, is Copyright (c) Solutionsoft, 1993, All Rights Reserved. This file may be freely distributed, provided that all files are included intact and no alterations are made. For more information, contact: Solutionsoft (408) 736-1431 (408) 736-4013 (FAX) CompuServe 75210,2214